Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Platonic Relationships In Books

Hey reader friends!  Welcome to another round of Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl!

This week, we're talking about Platonic Relationships in Books!  So, here are my favorites:

Maurene Goo's books I Believe In a Thing Called Love and The Way You Make me Feel have main characters that have THE BEST relationships with their dads! 

Desi in I Believe in a Thing Called Love and her apa are just so cute and they love to watch K-Drama together.  They talk about lots of stuff (except how Desi is using K-Drama to get a guy.)  They have so much fun in the way they talk to each other.

Clara and her dad in The Way You Make me Feel are even funnier than Desi and her dad!  They joke around with each other so much, and are so honest with each other (usually), and they have just tons of fun together when they are working on the KoBra - even though Clara is there because she got in trouble.

Hagrid and Ron, Harry, and Hermione.  Hagrid can be a little rough around the edges, but I mean, he loves those kids and they love him - and the four of them do have some awesome, crazy times and adventures together. 

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for Hagrid! He gets a mention on my (crazily long and detailed) list too. He's such a lovely father figure.
