Thursday, January 10, 2019

Bout of Books: Wednesday Wrap Up

Hey reader friends!  Happy Thursday.  Here's my little Wednesday Bout of Books wrap up:

Books Started: 1
Books Finished: 1 (Yeah!!)
Pages Read Wednesday: 103
Total Pages Read: 297

Even with work, I was determined to get through my current read, so yesterday I finished Stay Sweet, by Siobhan Vivian.  Now I plan to move on and finish my re-read of The Hunger Games!  How's the week going for you?

Are you ready for a challenge?  ME TOO!

Today, we're going to have a: ..


Synopsis Rewrite

Take a favorite book and re-write the synopsis (book description) from the point of view of the non-main character/focus. e.g. Harry Potter from the view of Draco, The Hunger Games from the view of Peeta


So, here is my synopsis re-write.  Here is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: From Luna Lovegood's view:

Luna lived her life in awe of the things other people could do.  She never imagined herself as a defender of light.  But when the dark lord returns, that is exactly what she becomes.  She and her rag tag group of friends fight against the forces of darkness, and work towards a better future for all witches and wizards, all while trying to rid Hogwarts of the worst teacher these halls have ever seen.

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