Thursday, February 11, 2021

40 in my 40th year

 Greetings fair reader friends.  I find that my 40th birthday month is upon me. 

*insert gasps of shock and awe here*

This year, I've decided to create a list of 40 things I want to accomplish in my 40th year.  Wish me luck and enjoy hanging out with me virtually during all this!

  1. Actually complete my Goodreads goal of 100 books in 2021

  2. Get a tattoo

  3. Make 300 sales in my Etsy Shop

  4. Take an actual vacation somewhere 

  5. Finish writing a novel

  6. Study Spanish, Italian, and Norwegian for at least 15 minutes each every day.

  7. Start a huge ass community garden

  8. Learn yoga

  9. Harness train my cat so he can come outside with me in the summer while I garden

  10. Learn more about paganism, because I find it fascinating

  11. Study Greek and Roman mythology more, because, again, I find it fascinating

  12. Get at least 100 subscribers on my book blog

  13. Start making more booktube videos

  14. Start an online book club/group 

  15. Learn how to build a stacked container garden

  16. Don’t just say I’m going to post more on my blog - but say it and actually do it. 

  17. Actually complete a 24 hour readathon

  18. Do short meditations at least 3 times a week

  19. Complete Camp Nano and NanoWrimo this year

  20. Learn to play guitar

  21. Buy a violin

  22. Learn to play violin

  23. Teach myself to make those large hanging paper decoration

  24. Visit NYC

  25. Learn to do a crown braid

  26. Save more money

  27. Research and start the basics of a nonprofit

  28. Get more young people involved in the heritage center and Arts community in my town

  29. Learn how to make cashew cheese

  30. Drink less pop

  31. Work on being healthier in body and mind

  32. Drink more water every day - and track it to keep myself on task.

  33. Go sledding down a really really big hill

  34. Learn to make lotion and chapstick

  35. Stand on a mountain again

  36. Become completely self-employed

  37. Teach myself to make crocheted toys

  38. Learn to sew better

  39. Stick up for my boundaries

  40. Donate unused/read books that I don’t want anymore.

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