Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Creepy October Reads

Hey Y'all - Halloween is next week - YEAH!  If you're like me, you've probably spent a fair amount of time wondering what sort of creepy, spooky, or downright terrifying books are perfect to read in the month of October.  Well, hang on to your chairs - here are {some of the} great books you can read this month to really get you in the Halloween spirit!

The Mara Dyer Trilogy - Michelle Hodkin 
The whole series is weird, wild, and just all around one crazy trip.  I don't want to spoil anything (and just my luck I would) so I'll just tell you to read these books and leave it at that!

The Peculiar Children Series - Ransom Riggs 
Words can't describe how much I love this book.  It has monsters crawling out of the woodwork, and it's creepy as hell.  Read them all - you won't be disappointed.

 Survive the Night - Danielle Vega
Murder, underground subway parties, a friend gone crazy - this book has it all.

Asylum - Madeleine Roux
Kids staying at a college dorm that was originally an asylum!  How can you not love that?!

The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall - Katie Alender
Death and ghosts and a girl who doesn't know she's dead - this whole book is just amazing!

The Harry Potter Series - J.K. Rowling 
I know these aren't technically creepy horror novel type reads, but there is enough of a creepy, scary aspect in each book to make them worthy of being read in October (or really any time of the year!)

Every Heart a Doorway and Down Among the Sticks and Bones - Seanan McGuire 
These can both be read as standalones, but you should read Every Heart a Doorway first.  Both books have some murder, lots of darkness, and twin sisters that will kind of make you sit up and say "What?!"


  1. I've read the Peculiar Children series and I agree this is great for Halloween. A few of these are in my TBR I even mentioned Asylum in my Halloween reading recommendations/TBR post.
    Gemma @

  2. The Peculiar Children books are just fantastic aren't they?! I'm glad to hear someone else is going to be reading Asylum!
