Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Books I Hope Santa Brings

Hey Y'all!  Happy Tuesday - and welcome to another edition of Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This weeks "theme" is Top Ten Books I Hope Santa Brings. The Books I am just DYING to get right now would have to be the following: (Yes, there are more than 10.  I just can't help it!)

I love Susan Dennard - if you've ever read any of her books, you can understand why!  If I got copies of Truthwitch and Windwitch, it would be amazing.

The Harry Potter Series Box Set - Okay, you caught me - I technically own all the HP books already.  However, I do not own them all in paperback - AND one of my brothers lost my copies of The Half Blood Prince and The Deathly Hallows when I lent them to him.  So, I would not at all turn down a collection of Harry Potter books.

The Song of Ice and Fire series - I've read the first book, and am reading the second one - so of course I am going to continue, and these are books that are so awesome that having them around would not at all disappoint me.

I love Marissa Meyer, so any chance to add one of her books to my collection is great!

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