Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Books I Thought I Would Love, But DIdn't {And Maybe Couldn't Finish}

Have you ever said to yourself "Hey that book looks good, I think I'll read it?!"  Of course you have!  You've probably also had cases where you've started reading a book you thought looked good, then thought to yourself, "What the hell was I thinking?!"

So, in that case, welcome to  

 Splintered - A. G. Howard - I love retellings of fairy tales and classics.  This one, however, felt like raking my eyes over a pile of hot coals The writing was terrible, and the story didn't really feel like a decent retelling of Alice in Wonderland.  I DNF'd this book at a little over halfway through.
Spelled - Betsy Schow - See above comment about loving fairy tale retellings.  I wanted to love this book so hard.  I really did.  However, the writing was juvenile, the characters were sucktastically poorly written and about as deep as my pinky finger, and right off the bat there was incredible sexism in the form of a prince who basically told Dorothea that she was going to marry him no matter what and that she didn't have a choice in the matter.  Bye, Spelled! 

 The Magicians - Lev Grossman -  The Magicians has been touted as a Harry Potter for grownups.  If, by that, they mean that the book is full of sexism, intolerance for others, and pitiful writing and magical talent that could make even the worst writer in the world want to scratch their eyes out, then sure, this book is just like fucking Harry Potter.  This was another book I just had to DNF.  


Otherworld - Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller - I plan on doing an actual review of this book later this week, so I won't go into a ton of detail about this book here.  Let's just say, I found myself wondering why the hell I thought this would be such a good book.

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