Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday - Books I Hope I Find Under My Christmas Tree This Morning

Hey reader friends - welcome to another round of Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl. 

This weeks topic is: Books I Hope I Find Under My Christmas Tree This Morning.  My parents and brothers don't usually buy me books, and I don't have a married family or roommate or anything - so there's a 100% chance I will not get books from other people. I will probably buy myself a few books with the Christmas money I got though!  But if my family were to suddenly decide to drop a dime on some books for me: Here's what I'd hope to find:

 I bought myself To All the Boys I've Loved Before - and it's awesome!  So of course - I have to have the rest of the books in the series!

 Again, I find myself with a copy of Legend, and as amazing as it is, I know I need the next two books!

 Seraphina - on my shelves.  So, I need the other two books by Rachel Hartman, right?!