Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Bout of Books - Monday Wrap Up

Hi Reader Friends!  Welcome to my Day 1 wrap up for Bout of Books 24. 

Books Started: 1
Books Finished: 0
Pages read Monday: 158

I am deep into Stay Sweet, by Siobhan Vivian right now, and I am hoping to get it finished today.  We'll see! 

Today is the last day to sign up for Bout of Books, so if you want to do that stop by their blog

And now, reader friends: let's have a little fun with a challenge! 

Character dinner party
You are hosting an intimate dinner party for five of your favorite characters. Who do you invite and what food do you serve?

If I were having a dinner party, the five characters I would invite would be:

1. Katniss Everdeen. That girl is badass.
2. Minerva McGonagall. You know she's just awesome!
3. Hermione Granger.  I. Love. Her.
4. Fred Weasley.  Can I pick Fred and his brother? 
5. Luna Lovegood.  How can you have a dinner party without Luna! 

I have to be straighup - picking just five of my favorite characters is tough because there are so many characters I love!  But, these are the five I would invite. 

The would eat: Fried tofu and veggies mixed together in spicy stir fry sauce with white or brown rice.  They would drink the kool aid. Kidding about the drink!  We would totally drink chocolate almond milk! 

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