Monday, June 17, 2019

The Book Junkie Trials - What Am I reading though?

Hey reader friends.  So, I did another thing!  I decided to join in on The Book Junkie Trials in July!  The Book Junkie Trials is a month long readathon organized and hosted by Rachel Marie at Rachel Marie Book Junkie.

Here is her video talking about the Book Junkie Trials:

If you watch her video and love the idea of this readathon - sign up, because frankly, it sounds epic and totally awesome!

During this readathon, there are four teams.  I'll be competing for Team Outlaw:
The Quests for Team Outlaw Are:

 The Prompts

Crimson Peaks: These peaks are about to blow.  Re-read a favorite to soothe them into dormancy
Book: Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
Queendom Stone: The stone of our royal majesty – what are the royal customs of other lands?  Read a book featuring royalty
The Cruel Prince - Holly Black
The Forgotten Stories: All those open series, the forest knows and feels your forgetfulness.  It will sing a mournful lament, tormenting you until you read the next in a series.
Book: Glass Sword - Victoria Aveyard (I read The Red Queen, and then got distracted by other books.  Perfect chance to read the next book in the series)
The Weeping falls: To pass through the rapids unscathed, you must give in to the Falls.  Read a tear-jerker
Book: Where The Red Fern Grows - Wilson Rawls (Y'all know how this one ends. I'll have some kleenex right next to me while I read!)
The Bookie Grail: Here you find a lost manuscript, delivered on this forgotten island by a fallen star.  Read the group book: Stardust.

The outlaws are rough, raunchy, and ready for the quest.  But they also have fast hands….
They can read the book of any friends Quest TBR, and it need not fit the prompt.

Too much time evading the law, and not enough time spent reading means this team must complete a  24 hour readathon.  (note, you don’t have to read for the full 24 hours – but dedicate your free awake time to it for that time.)

HOWEVER, I am crazy, and I apparently have too much time on my hands when I am not working. SO, I am going to try and complete all the challenges for this readathon.  May the force be with me. 

All The Challenges

So, you want to try your hand at becoming a Quest Champion? hmmm.
Okay then. Complete all the below challenges to access special rewards for
The Book Junkie Trials 2020.

So, there are the books for the outlaws:

Crimson Peaks: These peaks are about to blow.  Re-read a favorite to soothe them into dormancy

Book: Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
Queendom Stone: The stone of our royal majesty – what are the royal customs of other lands?  Read a book featuring royalty
The Cruel Prince - Holly Black
The Forgotten Stories: All those open series, the forest knows and feels your forgetfulness.  It will sing a mournful lament, tormenting you until you read the next in a series.
Book: Glass Sword - Victoria Aveyard (I read The Red Queen, and then got distracted by other books.  Perfect chance to read the next book in the series)
The Weeping falls: To pass through the rapids unscathed, you must give in to the Falls.  Read a tear-jerker
Book: Where The Red Fern Grows - Wilson Rawls (Y'all know how this one ends. I'll have some kleenex right next to me while I read!)

And now, the books I'll read for the other challenges: 
Dwarf Mount: You spot a fair tavern wench, however the Dwarf Mines, grimey and dusty, didn’t evoke a very romantic feeling. Read a book with a hint of romance to get you in the mood.

Beauty Queens - Libba Bray 

Apothecary Towers: Where the wizards dwell. Tricksters. They have blind-folded you and randomised all your books, choose a book at random from your bookshelf.

Beautiful Chaos - Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl 

The Great Library: Ahh the great archives, find and read a book that has been on your TBR forever.

Animal Farm - George Orwell 

The Drowning Deep: The Whirlpool... is so.... mesmerising. Read a book with rich world-building that will suck you into its own world, instead.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams 

Orc Grove: Some say there is no talking to Orcs, but a good political relationship is needed. Learn some Orc customs by reading a book that is gruesome, gory, or gritty.

American Psycho - Brett Easton Ellis 

Ol’ Pirate Cove: Shiver me timbers. You shall be walking the plank if you don’t learn how to sail better. Read a book that takes place, at least in part, on sea.

Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson 

Glimmer: This Isle is alight with gems and crystals, one of the most picturesque spots in The High Queendom. Make sure you fit in with a beautiful or colourful book.

The Death of Bees - Lisa O'Donnell 

Draconic Isle: Oh My! This island is swarming with wyverns and dragons. Brush up on your draconic knowledge with a book that features dragons.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J.K. Rowling 

The Elven Guard are surprised by your visit, and are immediately on the offensive: Read a book with War, Military or Political Themes to learn how to help calm the situation.

1984 - George Orwell 

On the Hallow Isle, lurk incorporeal monsters and the ghosts of your past: Read an Atmospheric or Horror Book to pass this test of nerve.

The Price Guide to the Occult - Leslye Alton 

Empty Barrel Inn, everyone deserves a swig or too, some say it even aids warming up those vocal cords: Enjoy An Indulgent Read.

Little Beach Street Bakery - Jenny Colgan

Giant Squid, a fearsome fellow: Read a book that intimidates you, and this foe shall be a doddle.

War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy 

The Bookie Grail: Here you find a lost manuscript, delivered on this forgotten island by a fallen star. Read the group book: 


That means, I am going to try to read 18 books in July just for this challenge!  Crazy?  Probably!  I am keeping the faith! I can do it! 


Are you doing the book junkie trials?  Talk to me - what team are you on, what books are you reading, and are you like me and crazy enough to try to complete ALL THE CHALLENGES?!  

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