Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday - Childhood Favorites

Hi reader friends!  It's time for Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl!   This weeks topic is Childhood Favorites.

Without further ado, let us commence our journey.

The Chronicles of Narnia are books that I've loved my entire life.  They are so fun, and I just had so much fun reading these as kids, and even now as an adult! 


The Babysitter's Club Books were, hands down, without a doubt, my FAVORITE books when I was a pre-teen.  I loved them so, so much. I read and re-read them, and then gave them to my cousin when she got old enough to read and enjoy them - because I just had to share my love of them with someone who loved books as much as I do! 


I was so into the Sweet Valley High series as a young teen.  These books were so much fun to read! 


As a very young child, these Frances books were my FAVORITE picture books!  I loved them so, so much, and even now when I read them to kids, it makes me want to eat toast with jam.  

Your turn- what are some of your childhood favorites?  Let me know in the comments below!  


  1. My sister had a set of the Sweet Valley High. I think I read a couple (she was older and had REALLY interesting books, like Fear Street). Did you ever encountered the spin-off of Babysitters Club, "California Diaries"?

    1. I think I heard of California Diaries, but I never read it.

  2. FYI, your link at That Artsy Reader Girl's site isn't working.

    I loved your list this week, though.

    My TTT.
