Thursday, January 9, 2020

Bout of Books - Wednesday Wrap Up

Happy Thursday reader friends!  Welcome to another day of Bout of Books.

It's time for a good old fashioned wrap up post.

Here's how I did Wednesday

Books Started: 5
Books Finished: 1
Pages Read Wednesday: 255
Total Pages Read: 332

Books I'm Currently Reading: 

Books I Finished: 

If you're doing Bout of Books, drop me a comment down below and tell me how it's going! Happy reading.


  1. Oooh how was Poisoned Apples? Definitely want to read it this year.

    1. I really loved it. The poems are dark, but wonderful! Have you read it?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. No, but I went to the library yesterday and checked it out! I'm about halfway through. I love it! Similar to Rupi Kaur and Amanda Lovelace with the fractured, unstructured, modern poetry.

  2. Good for you for picking up Les Miserables during a readathon. I'd be interested to hear if you loved Red White and Royal Blue as much as the hype...

    1. I'm enjoying Red White and Royal Blue so far, but I still have a little under half to finish, so we'll see what I think if the end. Luckily with Les Mis, I've read it before, though it's definitely going to take longer than this readathon to get through it all!
