Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday - Authors Who Have a Fun Social Media Presence

Hey Reader Friends - welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday. This is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This weeks topic is: Authors who have a fun social media presence.

My favorite authors to follow on social media are:

Susan Dennard
Twitter: @stdennard
Instagram: @stdennard

Adam Gaylord
Twitter: @AuthorGaylord

Sandhya Menon
Twitter: @smenonbooks
Instagram: @sandhyamenonbooks

Angie Thomas:
Twitter: @angiecthomas

Leigh Bardugo
Twitter: @LBardugo
Instagram: @lbardugo

Marie Lu
Twitter: @Marie_Lu
Instagram: @MarieLuTheWriter

Maurene Goo:
Twitter: @maurenegoo
Instagram: @maurenegoo

Seanan McGuire:
Twitter: @seananmcguire
Instagram: @SeananMcGuire

Okay, reader friends - your turn. Drop me a comment down below and tell me your favorite authors to follow on the social media! 

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