Sunday, April 11, 2021

Get a Life, Chloe Brown - Talia Hibbert


Title: Get a Life, Chloe Brown 
Author: Talia Hibbert
Format: Paperback
Rating: 4 Stars 

Chloe Brown is a chronically ill computer geek with a goal, a plan, and a list. After almost—but not quite—dying, she’s come up with seven directives to help her “Get a Life”, and she’s already completed the first: finally moving out of her glamorous family’s mansion. The next items?

• Enjoy a drunken night out.
• Ride a motorcycle.
• Go camping.
• Have meaningless but thoroughly enjoyable sex.
• Travel the world with nothing but hand luggage.
• And... do something bad.

But it’s not easy being bad, even when you’ve written step-by-step guidelines on how to do it correctly. What Chloe needs is a teacher, and she knows just the man for the job.

Redford ‘Red’ Morgan is a handyman with tattoos, a motorcycle, and more sex appeal than ten-thousand Hollywood heartthrobs. He’s also an artist who paints at night and hides his work in the light of day, which Chloe knows because she spies on him occasionally. Just the teeniest, tiniest bit.

But when she enlists Red in her mission to rebel, she learns things about him that no spy session could teach her. Like why he clearly resents Chloe’s wealthy background. And why he never shows his art to anyone. And what really lies beneath his rough exterior…

Get a Life, Chloe Brown is one of those cute romances that leaves you feeling like you're being hugged by the main characters.  

Chloe, the MC, is a guarded woman who struggles to open up to people outside her family. Red, the dude, struggles to open up as well.  In spite of that, they form a relationship that starts out mostly for convenience, but develops into a smooshy real romance that gives you all the feels. 

I liked that Chloe and her sisters had such a great relationship with each other. They were so cool, and cute, and great to and with each other.  Their relationship was also so important to the story because it showed a part of who Chloe was and helped her grow and realize what she needed and wanted in her life. 

It was fun to watch the development of Red and Chloe's relationship. I never did figure out why Chloe was so....frosty towards Red at the beginning of the novel, so I can only imagine that it just takes her a while to warm up to new people. And once she did, boy did she ever.  She and Red had a weird relationship at first. She was so intent on only having him there to help her with her list.  Then it developed into actual feelings, which led to confusion and a fight and all sorts of typical relationship frustration.  This was expected as part of a romance novel, and based on the characters and what had happened in their past's it was understandable. Each character had things revealed about themselves that made who they are currently believable. 

I think the author did a great job of building up these characters, giving them their personhoods, their personalities, their own lives. All the characters were well written and wonderful. They fit into this story so well.  The only thing I would have like to see more of was Chloe's parents, only because they said their family was so close, but then she hardly ever sees them after she moves. 

The story was cute and well written. I loved the events of the story and laughed so hard throughout the entire book. This book had some great sizzly moments as well, and did a great job of building up the obvious sexual tension between Red and Chloe. They were obviously actually attracted to each other even though they tried to hide it for a while. 

Overall, this romance book hits the mark. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants a fun and fluffy romance book with great characters and a fun story!

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