Friday, September 17, 2021

Take a Hint, Dani Brown - Talia Hibbert


Title: Take a Hint, Dani Brown
Author: Talia Hibbert 
Format: Paperback
Rating: 5 Stars 

As you have probably heard, Talia Hibbert's been taking the romance world by storm!  And that storm is well deserved - Hibbert's Brown sister trilogy is so cute and so funny.  Every book in the series is a must read for anyone who likes cute romances filled with lots of chemistry and tons of great Oops moments that are bound to make you laugh.

This is another book where I can't think of anything I didn't like.  The characters, the romance, the relationship between Dani and her sisters - all amazing. 

The characters were all really well written and well developed.  I like that we got to learn about Dani's and Zaf's past and why that made them who they were.  That was really important because their pasts paved the way for them to learn, grow, develop, and really truly be happy with each other.  I know it's probably a bit cliche to say that the MC is your favorite character, but Dani really was my favorite character.  I loved her and her go get it attitude. I loved that she learned a lot about herself and what she really wanted while she was faking it with Zaf.  She really did a lot of seeking and self growth throughout the course of the book.  

I also loved that Zaf was aware of the impact his past had on him and was willing to put in more work to change his mindset and his life.  He knew he had so many issues with anxiety because of his past, and he had let that rule him for a while, but then he grew, and he learned, and he changed and made more efforts to further himself.  

This book was, in addition to being chock full of great characters, so so funny.  There were some serious things in the book, of course, but overall, Rom-Com is the best way to describe this book because it is romantic and hilarious.  (Dani+Elevator!  Come ON!) Talia Hibbert definitely has a way of creating smart, well written books that will make readers laugh out loud.

I loved that the book flowed so well. The book was so well written and the events that happened throughout the book helped me get a better insight into the characters and really helped the story feel fleshed out and well developed. 

Overall, this is a cute smooshy romance everyone should read.  I'll be waiting here for your comments when you finish it!

If you've already read Take a Hint, Dani Brown, tell me what you think below! 

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