Friday, June 21, 2019

Dating Profile Friday - Neville Longbottom


Name: Neville Longbottom
Profession: Herbology Professor at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry
Hobbies: Killing snakes, identifying weird plants, reading books about plants.

About Me:I'm a bit shy, but I am loyal and I will fight as much as I can to defend the people and places I love.  Plants are my life. Ironically, I became obsessed with plants, after some fake dude disguised as Mad-Eye moody used plants to try and get into Hogwarts and kill my friend Harry. Anyway, I digress. I like to read, mostly about plants.  I enjoy gardening, and I teach at Hogwarts, because I believe young witches and wizards deserve to know about herbology - it's more important than people realize. 

If you're interested in getting to know me - send me an owl.  I promise I won't send my toad in reply - he's retired now anyway. Or is he lost?

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Book Junkie Trials - What Am I reading though?

Hey reader friends.  So, I did another thing!  I decided to join in on The Book Junkie Trials in July!  The Book Junkie Trials is a month long readathon organized and hosted by Rachel Marie at Rachel Marie Book Junkie.

Here is her video talking about the Book Junkie Trials:

If you watch her video and love the idea of this readathon - sign up, because frankly, it sounds epic and totally awesome!

During this readathon, there are four teams.  I'll be competing for Team Outlaw:
The Quests for Team Outlaw Are:

 The Prompts

Crimson Peaks: These peaks are about to blow.  Re-read a favorite to soothe them into dormancy
Book: Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
Queendom Stone: The stone of our royal majesty – what are the royal customs of other lands?  Read a book featuring royalty
The Cruel Prince - Holly Black
The Forgotten Stories: All those open series, the forest knows and feels your forgetfulness.  It will sing a mournful lament, tormenting you until you read the next in a series.
Book: Glass Sword - Victoria Aveyard (I read The Red Queen, and then got distracted by other books.  Perfect chance to read the next book in the series)
The Weeping falls: To pass through the rapids unscathed, you must give in to the Falls.  Read a tear-jerker
Book: Where The Red Fern Grows - Wilson Rawls (Y'all know how this one ends. I'll have some kleenex right next to me while I read!)
The Bookie Grail: Here you find a lost manuscript, delivered on this forgotten island by a fallen star.  Read the group book: Stardust.

The outlaws are rough, raunchy, and ready for the quest.  But they also have fast hands….
They can read the book of any friends Quest TBR, and it need not fit the prompt.

Too much time evading the law, and not enough time spent reading means this team must complete a  24 hour readathon.  (note, you don’t have to read for the full 24 hours – but dedicate your free awake time to it for that time.)

HOWEVER, I am crazy, and I apparently have too much time on my hands when I am not working. SO, I am going to try and complete all the challenges for this readathon.  May the force be with me. 

All The Challenges

So, you want to try your hand at becoming a Quest Champion? hmmm.
Okay then. Complete all the below challenges to access special rewards for
The Book Junkie Trials 2020.

So, there are the books for the outlaws:

Crimson Peaks: These peaks are about to blow.  Re-read a favorite to soothe them into dormancy

Book: Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
Queendom Stone: The stone of our royal majesty – what are the royal customs of other lands?  Read a book featuring royalty
The Cruel Prince - Holly Black
The Forgotten Stories: All those open series, the forest knows and feels your forgetfulness.  It will sing a mournful lament, tormenting you until you read the next in a series.
Book: Glass Sword - Victoria Aveyard (I read The Red Queen, and then got distracted by other books.  Perfect chance to read the next book in the series)
The Weeping falls: To pass through the rapids unscathed, you must give in to the Falls.  Read a tear-jerker
Book: Where The Red Fern Grows - Wilson Rawls (Y'all know how this one ends. I'll have some kleenex right next to me while I read!)

And now, the books I'll read for the other challenges: 
Dwarf Mount: You spot a fair tavern wench, however the Dwarf Mines, grimey and dusty, didn’t evoke a very romantic feeling. Read a book with a hint of romance to get you in the mood.

Beauty Queens - Libba Bray 

Apothecary Towers: Where the wizards dwell. Tricksters. They have blind-folded you and randomised all your books, choose a book at random from your bookshelf.

Beautiful Chaos - Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl 

The Great Library: Ahh the great archives, find and read a book that has been on your TBR forever.

Animal Farm - George Orwell 

The Drowning Deep: The Whirlpool... is so.... mesmerising. Read a book with rich world-building that will suck you into its own world, instead.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams 

Orc Grove: Some say there is no talking to Orcs, but a good political relationship is needed. Learn some Orc customs by reading a book that is gruesome, gory, or gritty.

American Psycho - Brett Easton Ellis 

Ol’ Pirate Cove: Shiver me timbers. You shall be walking the plank if you don’t learn how to sail better. Read a book that takes place, at least in part, on sea.

Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson 

Glimmer: This Isle is alight with gems and crystals, one of the most picturesque spots in The High Queendom. Make sure you fit in with a beautiful or colourful book.

The Death of Bees - Lisa O'Donnell 

Draconic Isle: Oh My! This island is swarming with wyverns and dragons. Brush up on your draconic knowledge with a book that features dragons.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J.K. Rowling 

The Elven Guard are surprised by your visit, and are immediately on the offensive: Read a book with War, Military or Political Themes to learn how to help calm the situation.

1984 - George Orwell 

On the Hallow Isle, lurk incorporeal monsters and the ghosts of your past: Read an Atmospheric or Horror Book to pass this test of nerve.

The Price Guide to the Occult - Leslye Alton 

Empty Barrel Inn, everyone deserves a swig or too, some say it even aids warming up those vocal cords: Enjoy An Indulgent Read.

Little Beach Street Bakery - Jenny Colgan

Giant Squid, a fearsome fellow: Read a book that intimidates you, and this foe shall be a doddle.

War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy 

The Bookie Grail: Here you find a lost manuscript, delivered on this forgotten island by a fallen star. Read the group book: 


That means, I am going to try to read 18 books in July just for this challenge!  Crazy?  Probably!  I am keeping the faith! I can do it! 


Are you doing the book junkie trials?  Talk to me - what team are you on, what books are you reading, and are you like me and crazy enough to try to complete ALL THE CHALLENGES?!  

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday - Unpopular Bookish Opinions

Hey reader friends - Welcome to another round of Top Ten Tuesday, a lovely weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This weeks topic is: Unpopular Bookish Opinions:

So, sleigh me in the comments if you must, but my Unpopular Bookish Opinions are:

1. I hated Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.  HATED IT.  And it wasn't just because it was a script, either. I've spent time in the theatre so I'm good with reading scripts.  It was just because I thought the whole story was poorly written and poorly executed, and I can't believe J.K. Rowling was so cool with it all. I can't fathom what Rowling was thinking when she came up with the idea for all this and let some people write and execute it.

2. I don't believe that Ron and Hermione should have ended up together.  I really don't.  I think that what should have happened was that maybe they dated for a bit then realized it wasn't a good match, then broke up but tried to remain friends.  Or just, you know, never date each other at all.  Never.  Never ever ever.

3. Sarah J. Mass's books look boring and I will probably never read them.  They just don't have any appeal to me at all.

4. Melissa de la Cruz's books are overrated.  I don't understand why everyone goes so wild for her books. I've tried reading a few of them and just didn't get it. 


Okay, reader friends - what are you unpopular bookish opinions?  Do you agree with me, or have any of your own that you want to share?! 

Monday, June 10, 2019

There's Something About Sweetie - Sandhya Menon

Title: There's Something About Sweetie
Author: Sandhya Menon
Format: Hardcover
Rating 5 Stars

Ashish Patel didn’t know love could be so…sucky. After he’s dumped by his ex-girlfriend, his mojo goes AWOL. Even worse, his parents are annoyingly, smugly confident they could find him a better match. So, in a moment of weakness, Ash challenges them to set him up.

The Patels insist that Ashish date an Indian-American girl—under contract. Per subclause 1(a), he’ll be taking his date on “fun” excursions like visiting the Hindu temple and his eccentric Gita Auntie. Kill him now. How is this ever going to work?

Sweetie Nair is many things: a formidable track athlete who can outrun most people in California, a loyal friend, a shower-singing champion. Oh, and she’s also fat. To Sweetie’s traditional parents, this last detail is the kiss of death.

Sweetie loves her parents, but she’s so tired of being told she’s lacking because she’s fat. She decides it’s time to kick off the Sassy Sweetie Project, where she’ll show the world (and herself) what she’s really made of.

Ashish and Sweetie both have something to prove. But with each date they realize there’s an unexpected magic growing between them. Can they find their true selves without losing each other?

Hi reader friends!  Let's talk about Sweetie and Ashish. 

If you've read When Dimple Met Rishi, you are already slightly familiar with Rishi's younger brother Ashish Patel.  Ashish is as different from Rishi as you could possibly imagine.  He's not as traditional as his older brother, he's into sports - specifically basketball, he (until recently) never wanted to follow his parents or brothers lead and date Indian-American girls.  BUT, then he met Sweetie. 

Sweetie is a wonderful, charming young woman who also happens to be fat - and is growing up with a mother who really wants her to lose weight and be skinny.  Her mom is so convinced that there is something wrong with Sweetie that she even goes so far as to tell Ashish's parents that Sweetie can't date him because she's not good enough for Ashish and won't be until she's skinny. 

Anyway - long story short - Ashish and Sweetie do go on dates together, as you can tell from the description.  Now of course, Sweetie's parents don't know - and normally I'd be against kids dating without their parents knowledge, but in this case, it works and I'm here for it.

Let's break down the love here now!

There is a great, wonderful cast of characters in this book.  I think every single character adds so much to this story - even when they just have small part to play in where the story is going.  Each character has such a well developed and distinct personality. The author does a great job of creating characters that are well written, with their own distinct personalities, who work well with each other.  Even the characters who's personalities were a bit much (Tina auntie, and Samir in the beginning of the novel) were so well done!  You will love these characters.  (Watch out for Pinky - she's great and so fun!)

I think there is also a lot of chemistry between Sweetie and Ashish.  They have the physical attraction to each other, and they learn that they have enough in common with each other as well to have a real, good relationship.  I love what they have together.

This story is a total cute, fun read.  The story is well developed, and there are so many fun and funny moments that just make it even more worth reading.  I love that each moment in this book feels perfect and fits with the book as a whole.

Sandhya Menon's books are well written as always - and I love that she manages to not only write her stories well, but to weave in so many important things to her books as well. 

Are you surprised that Sandhya Menon has supernatural references in her book?!  I'm not!  I love that she loves Supernatural as much as I do, and weaves that in to her writing.  So - let's have some of my favorite Supernatural memes and gifs to end this post: 

I want to actually end by saying that this book does deal with fat teens and the way that fat people can often be treated like they are less than because they are fat.  I want you to know, from one fat person to another, if you are struggling, know you are worth it. You have value even if other people claim you don't.  You will find yourself in Sweetie, and I hope you know there are other people out there who are in your corner and who love and accept you just the way you are!  Now go read this fabulous book, and when you're done, come back here and talk to me about it.  I want to know what you think! 

Friday, June 7, 2019

Dating Profile Friday: Lord Voldemort

Hey Reader Friends - Happy Friday!  Welcome to another round of Dating Profile Friday.  Today: Lord Voldemort.

Name: I am Lord Voldemort
Occupation: Dark Lord, Leader of the Death Eaters
Likes: Killing people for no reason.  Taking down leaders who want to harm me.
Dislikes: Harry Potter.

About Me: I am the most powerful wizard you will ever meet.  I prefer to only be involved with purebloods.  I appreciate honesty and will do anything to invoke honesty from my followers - I mean friends.  I believe in the importance of loyalty and undying respect to people in power over others.  I like to think someday I will be the supreme leader over the entire wizarding world.

If you are a pureblood wizard looking to help me and be with me on my journey to power, I look forward to hearing from you.  Right now, I am probably hiding in Albania. Your owl will know how to reach me.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Can't Wait Wednesday

Hi reader friends - Happy Wednesday!  Today I'm bring you Can't Wait Wednesday - a weekly event hosted by Wishful Endings.

This week, some books I am really looking forward to are: 

My name is Clover Calloway and I’ve lived two separate lives. 

The first, I like to call “my past.” I never talk about it. I try not to think about it. My rockstar days of playing in one of the hottest bands on the planet are over. Along with the most volatile, beautiful, tragic love story of all time.

Over the past five years, I’ve settled into my second life. My “normal life.” The one where I work a normal job, hang out with normal people and fall in love with a normal, but wonderful guy. The life where I’m admittedly a little bored, but also safe. 

My past wasn’t boring. But my past broke my heart into a million, unfixable pieces. So, I’m determined to keep it where it belongs—behind me. 

And the man responsible for the shattering of me? Malachi Porter, lead singer and mastermind of Bright Tragedy, should stay there too. Far away from me and this idyllic life I’ve carved out for myself. 

But what happens when my two lives collide? 

When Malachi comes crashing into my perfectly normal world, he threatens to destroy it, promises to annihilate everything I’ve replaced him with. 

He upends everything I thought I wanted and forces me to question the reasons I left Bright Tragedy all those years ago.

But I didn’t walk away five years ago, I ran. As fast as I could go. And while my heart is whispering that it’s different this time—that he’s different—my brain is screaming for me to run again.

Malachi Porter isn’t a normal guy. And he doesn’t belong in my “normal life.” But, nevertheless, he’s bound and determined to make a place for himself here.

I just hope my heart can survive him, that we don’t burn into another bright tragedy. 


Why I am Excited For This Book:

*I think the cover looks cool, and the description sounds fun to me.  I like a good cheesy romance from time to time, and who doesn't like the idea of a romance with a rockstar, amiright?! 

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Nicole Williams delivers a poignant romance that explores the deep and sometimes dark corners of love. Perfect for fans of Kasie West, Sarah Dessen, and Morgan Matson.

Quinn knows better than to believe in happy endings, but she always assumed her mom would be by her side. When tragedy strikes, Quinn is sent to live with her estranged father, Nick, who walked out on their family years ago.

Set on hating her new life, Quinn is surprised when she meets Kel. Her new classmate has a reputation around town as a phenom at both baseball and attracting trouble. Even Kel has told Quinn she should stay away, but that only makes him more enticing. 

Once Kel starts bailing on school--and plans with Quinn--even she can't ignore the facts. Quinn is determined to uncover Kel's secrets, but will more than just her heart get hurt in the process?

Why I am Excited For This Book:
*The first thing that drew me in was the cover.  It's simple, but cute.  The description drew me in even more.  This book hasn't even been released yet, and I'm already rooting for Quinn! 

So, reader friends, what books are you really looking forward to right now?! Drop a comment below and let me know. 

Monday, June 3, 2019

A Game of Books

Hi reader friends!  If you've seen my post about The Biblio Games, you know I am doing TWO readathons in the month of June - and A Game of Books is TWO MONTHS LONG!

How excited am I?!

Well, probably this excited:

So, you know - super excited!

Now, if you don't know what A Game of Books is all about, stop by and check everything out at The Perks of Being Noura.  She's organized the whole thing and deserves some awesome love for that!

Now, let's get down to the real reason for THIS post: My Game of Books TBR!

Are you scared yet?!

(Eleven challenges.  I am only doubling up on one challenge, and I want to try and complete all the challenges, so I am reading TEN books for this challenge.  May the odds be ever in my favor.)

*The Game of Thrones: First Book in a Series/Trilogy

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - J.K. Rowling

*House Targaryen: Book With a Mythical Creature Or Dragons

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - J.K. Rowling

*Daenerys: Book Featuring a Strong Female Character

Little Women - Louisa May Alcott 

*Westeros: Book Set in a Fictional Place

The Fellowship of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien 

*House Tyrell: Book with Green or a Plant on The Cover

The Master Magician - Charlie N. Holmberg

*House Stark: Book That Has Family Dynamic or Siblings 

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets - J.K. Rowling 

*House Lannister: Book That Has a Red Cover 

Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

*House Greyjoy: Book With Pirates or a Story Set At Sea

Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters - Rick Riordan

*House Baratheon: Book With a King or Queen/Royalty

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis 

*A Clash of Kings: Sequel 

The Glass Magician - Charlie N. Holmberg

*Wildlings: Paranormal 

A Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harkness 

Round Two
(July 2-August 1.  I am going to try and complete all the challenges this month with no doubling up. There are only seven challenges for round 2).


The Two Towers - J.R.R. Tolkien


It - Stephen King

*Science Fiction or Historical Fiction:

Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury  

*Young Adult:

Kingdom of the Blazing Phoenix - Julie C. Dao

*Middle Grade:

The Candymakers - Wendy Mass 


Night Film - Marisha Pessel 

*Contemporary or Romance:  

Everything, Everything - Nicola Yoon 

Round Three:
This round takes place now through the end of the year - AND IT'S A BIG ROUND!  

The Challenge, should you choose to accept it: Read Your Way through All the Song of Ice and Fire Books. 

As Barney Stinson would say: 

In case you've forgotten the titles in The Song of ice and Fire Series (And if you have, HOW DARE YOU, SIR!) They are:

A Game Of Thrones
A Clash of Kings 
A Storm of Swords 
A Feast of Crows
A Dance with Dragons 

Okay, reader friends - if you read through that whole post: Bless you!  Now, talk to me and tell me if you're doing A Game of Booksathon!  And if you aren't - post some pictures of pompoms or cheerleaders, because your fellow readers may need it. 

Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Bibliogames

Hey reader friends - I did a thing, and signed up to participate in the Bibliogames, a month long readathon taking place through the month of June.

Here's Where You Can Learn More About This Event. (Signups are closed for this round, but if they do it again, I recommend jumping aboard.)


Also, check out Myonna's twitter and booktube. She's the spearhead behind The Bibliogames, and deserves all the love for putting together such a fun event!



Now, Let's Talk TBR! 

The Biblio Games does have categories that you can read a book from.  You don't have to read a book from those categories, but you can if you want - and I am going to try and do that!  So, here we go:

Homeroom: (Group Book) The Sidekick group book is: Not Your Sidekick - C.B. Lee
Gym: (Format you don't typically read): Amulet: The Stonekeeper - Kazu Kibuishi (A graphic novel, which is not a format I usually read.  At all.  So this should be interesting.)
Lunch: (Book with a satisfying ending): There's Something About Sweetie - Sandhya Menon

Comedic Relief: (A book with a funny side Character): The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy - Douglas Adams
Hero Support: (Graphic Novel): Amulet: The Stonekeeper's Curse - Kazu Kibuishi (I figured I would continue this series for this category.)
Mission Strategy: (Non-Fiction): Becoming - Michelle Obama

I also signed up for another readathon taking place this month (A Game of Books!) so I will have a lot to read.  But these are the books I picked specifically for The Biblio Games. 

Are you doing the Biblio Games?  Talk to me and tell me what you're reading, what team you're on, and how badly you think the sidekicks are going to beat your team!