Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday - Unpopular Bookish Opinions

Hey reader friends - Welcome to another round of Top Ten Tuesday, a lovely weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This weeks topic is: Unpopular Bookish Opinions:

So, sleigh me in the comments if you must, but my Unpopular Bookish Opinions are:

1. I hated Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.  HATED IT.  And it wasn't just because it was a script, either. I've spent time in the theatre so I'm good with reading scripts.  It was just because I thought the whole story was poorly written and poorly executed, and I can't believe J.K. Rowling was so cool with it all. I can't fathom what Rowling was thinking when she came up with the idea for all this and let some people write and execute it.

2. I don't believe that Ron and Hermione should have ended up together.  I really don't.  I think that what should have happened was that maybe they dated for a bit then realized it wasn't a good match, then broke up but tried to remain friends.  Or just, you know, never date each other at all.  Never.  Never ever ever.

3. Sarah J. Mass's books look boring and I will probably never read them.  They just don't have any appeal to me at all.

4. Melissa de la Cruz's books are overrated.  I don't understand why everyone goes so wild for her books. I've tried reading a few of them and just didn't get it. 


Okay, reader friends - what are you unpopular bookish opinions?  Do you agree with me, or have any of your own that you want to share?! 


  1. I was not a fan of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child either.

    My TTT.

    1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one! So many people thought it was so great, and I just don't get it.

  2. Honestly SJM's books are starting to sound all the same. I feel like the market has evolved, but she hasn't.

    1. Actually, for the YA market you're right, but she did evolve into Robert Galbraith for adults, and my husband loves those books.

    2. I could see that, Alicia. All her books seems like they are just the same stale stuff in a very changing market.

  3. I heard that Rowling wasn't really into doing that one, since she was also busy (and more interested) with writing her adult books under the name Robert Galbraith. My husband has read all of them and he adores them all! I watched the TV series they made about them and they were great.

    1. I had trouble getting into the books she wrote under her pen name, but that's just me. I did like her book The Casual Vacancy, though.
