Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Bout of Books - Monday Update


Happy Tuesday, reader friends!  It's the second day of Bout of Books 29 - YEAH!  

This is, hands down, my FAVORITE readathon, because it's just so fun and relaxed and amazing.  

Yesterday, I worked and when I got home, I was feeling a little under the weather, so I didn't get a ton of reading done.  But I did what I could and that is what matters.

I finished up the last section of The Fifth Season for a buddy read, and when I have the review ready, YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE IT! 

So, the Monday breakdown:

Books Started: 1
Books Finished: 1
Pages Read: 26
Total Pages Read: 26

If you're doing bout of books, how's it going? If you're not doing bout of books, you should be! And also, tell me what you're reading! 

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