Friday, September 7, 2018

Dating Profile Friday - The Darkling

Happy Dating Profile Friday!  Today, for all you naughty boy lovers (You know you're out there!), I present: The Darkling!

Name: Aleksander Morozova, AKA The Darkling
Current Location: Hidden somewhere in Ravka where no one can find me
Age: 500+ years.  

Likes: Ruling over the grisha, chasing Alina, using my powers and authority to bend others to my will
Dislikes: Sweet things, kindness, Baghra

About Me: I am a shadow summoner.  I created the shadow fold and don't regret it. I don't believe in regrets.

I live to have others worship and revere me.  I am most content when others are doing exactly as I say.

If you are a summoner or like being dominated, I am the man for you.

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