Thursday, January 11, 2018

Bout of Books {21} - Wednesday Update

Hey lovely readers!  Happy Thursday.  I didn't do a *ton* of reading yesterday - the day sort of got away from me with my regular job. But I managed to squeeze some reading in.

So, here's how I am doing this week:

Books Started: 2
Books Finished: 1
Pages Read Wednesday: 84
Total Pages Read: 273

Books Currently Reading

And now, reader friends: A Little Challenge.  Today, the challenge is 
  • Audiobook narrator - This is kind of tough - I actually have 2 favorites.  Jim Dale, the narrator of the Harry Potter series, and Therese Plummer, who narrates adult novels and has such a relaxing voice!
  • Illustrator - Brett Helquist - I love love love the illustrations he did for A Series of Unfortunate Events.
  • Series - The Harry Potter series.  While I have other series that I love as much as this one, the Harry Potter series will always hold a special place in my heart.
  • Vlogger - This was a tough one, because there are two vlogger/booktubers that I LOVE.  But, if pressed, I would say my favorite is Jesse at jessethereader!  His videos are so fun, and he is just so full of energy and love for books in all his videos.
  • Favorite library (librarian) - There is this librarian at my local library who I just adore.  Her name is Jen and she is the funnest, sweetest lady.  (And she never seems to mind when I sit there and ramble on endlessly with her about all the books I am reading.)

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