Monday, August 31, 2020

Fortunately, The Milk - Neil Gaiman


Title: Fortunately, The Milk
Author: Neil Gaiman
Format: Audiobook
Rating: 4 Stars


"I bought the milk," said my father. "I walked out of the corner shop, and heard a noise like this: t h u m m t h u m m. I looked up and saw a huge silver disc hovering in the air above Marshall Road."

"Hullo," I said to myself. "That's not something you see every day. And then something odd happened."

Find out just how odd things get in this hilarious New York Times bestselling story of time travel and breakfast cereal, expertly told by Newbery Medalist and bestselling author Neil Gaiman and illustrated by Skottie Young.


This book is ridiculous and silly and so cute.  If you have kids or you teach kids, this is a book you have to have around, because younger kids will LOVE IT! 

There are pirates, a bunch of talking dinosaurs (one of whom, obviously, is a doctor!), and some milk.

When the dad in this story ventures out to get some milk for their breakfast, the kids are left wondering why it is taking so long.  And when he finally returns home, he regales them with a story that includes all the above and more, and he does so in the most wonderful, adorable way possible.  

I don't even know what else to say, other than the fact that this is very clearly a book for younger readers (maybe in the 5-8 age range) and I STILL rated it 4 stars because that's how much I think kids will LOVE this book.

So, what are you waiting for - go have story time with this delightful and hilarious book.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Bout of Books 29 - Saturday Update


Howdy Reader Friends! Happy Sunday.  Welcome to the my update for the second to last day (Saturday) of this months Bout of Books readathon.  

Books Started: 3 
Books Finished: 1
Pages Read Saturday: 264
Total Pages Read: 411

Books I've Started:
Before the Devil Breaks You
The Invention of Hugo Cabret

Books I've Finished:
The Fifth Season 

Okay, reader friends - tell me how it's going for you!  If you're doing Bout of Books, how's it going? If you're not doing Bout of Books - well, prepare yourself to join in January, because it's amazing! 

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Bout of Books 29 Update


Hey Reader Friends!  Happy Saturday! I haven't really been feeling to well this week, so while I have been reading and doing twitter, I haven't done much blog updates for Bout of Books.  SO, here is my update for the past few days.

Books Started: 3
Books Finished: 1 
Pages Read Wednesday: 2 (I tried, but it was a LONG day)
Pages Read Thursday: 25
Pages Read Friday: 60
Total Pages Read: 147

Books I'm reading:
The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Before The Devil Breaks You

Books I've Finished:
The Fifth Season 

How's your reading going this week?  Let me know what you're reading down in the comments, and let me know if you've read anything I'm reading right now!  

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Bout of Books 29 - Tuesday Update


Hey Reader Friends! Happy Wednesday.  It's been a day, let me tell you.  Anyway, let's just jump right into my Bout of Books update for yesterday! 

Books Started: 2
Books Finished: 1
Pages Read Tuesday: 40
Total Pages Read: 66.

I've Finished:

The Fifth Season

I'm still reading: 

Before the Devil Breaks You

If you're doing Bout of Books this week, how's it going? What have you been reading?  Heck tell me what you're reading even if you're not doing Bout of Books, because BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Bout of Books - Monday Update


Happy Tuesday, reader friends!  It's the second day of Bout of Books 29 - YEAH!  

This is, hands down, my FAVORITE readathon, because it's just so fun and relaxed and amazing.  

Yesterday, I worked and when I got home, I was feeling a little under the weather, so I didn't get a ton of reading done.  But I did what I could and that is what matters.

I finished up the last section of The Fifth Season for a buddy read, and when I have the review ready, YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE IT! 

So, the Monday breakdown:

Books Started: 1
Books Finished: 1
Pages Read: 26
Total Pages Read: 26

If you're doing bout of books, how's it going? If you're not doing bout of books, you should be! And also, tell me what you're reading! 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Bout of Books 29

 HEY READER FRIENDS!  I'm a giant slacker, because I've known about Bout of Books 29 for a while, and I've known I was going to sign up for it for a while. And now, I'm finally giving you my lovely, wonderful sign up post.  

Anyway, fellow bookworms, chances are if you've read my blog at all you know what Bout of Books is. And if you don't, go check out their website here

The Bout Of Books 29 Readathon starts tomorrow - YEAH! This week long readathon is literally one of my favorite bookish things ever.  Anyway, this simple little sign up below was written by a Bout of Books host and explains it really well.

The Bout of Books readathon is organized by Amanda Shofner and Kelly Rubidoux Apple. It’s a weeklong readathon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 17th and runs through Sunday, August 23rd in YOUR time zone. Bout of Books is low-pressure. All reading-in-place times, Twitter chats, and exclusive Instagram challenges are completely optional. For Bout of Books 29 information and updates, visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

As far as reading goes, I am going to put the following books on my TBR for the week and see how it goes:

Currently Reading: 

Before the Devil Breaks You
Girls of Paper and Fire

Going to Start: 

King of Crows

If you're doing Bout of Books, let me know, and share your TBR, blogs, twitter, and all that fun stuff in the comments!  I can't wait to read with y'all! 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Beauty Queens - Libba Bray

Title: Beauty Queens 
Author: Libba Bray
Format: Audiobook
Rating: 2 Stars 

The 50 contestants in the Miss Teen Dream pageant thought this was going to be a fun trip to the beach, where they could parade in their state-appropriate costumes and compete in front of the cameras.

But sadly, their airplane had another idea, crashing on a desert island and leaving the survivors stranded with little food, little water, and practically no eyeliner.

What’s a beauty queen to do? Continue to practice for the talent portion of the program - or wrestle snakes to the ground? Get a perfect tan - or learn to run wild? And what should happen when the sexy pirates show up?

Welcome to the heart of non-exfoliated darkness.

I was excited to read this book - but unfortunately it was a miss for me.  I rated it 2 stars because there were some things in the book that I genuinely really did love.  What did I love? Well, let me tell you:

1. There is a lesbian character in the novel. 
2. There was a transgender character 
3. One of the girls was most likely bisexual.
4. There were actually beauty queens who were black and brown in the novel
5. The characters who were not white talked very openly about how the pageant community is still steeped in whiteness and they talked about how hard it is for someone who is not white to win a competition like that.  This whole idea that white is the standard of beauty needs to fucking change. 

In spite of what I loved about this book, it struck out with me because this brand of sarcasm was just a bit much for me.  I feel like many of the characters were written to be almost just overly stupid and obtuse.  

Even for satire, the whole book just felt way too over the top and dramatic, and it felt like the story was trying just too hard to be funny. That left me feeling unfulfilled with the story.  

In addition to the fact that there was an over the top attempt at humor, the book, to me, did not resolve in a way that was satisfying.  I don't want to spoil too much, but it did bother me that we never got to see the girls reuniting with their friends and family after they finally got off the island.  

This is a short review, I know, but I literally cannot think of any other good things to say about this book.  If you liked it, that's cool. If you didn't like it - I feel you! 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Dewey's Reverse Readathon


Hello reader friends!  This should come as no surprise that I decided at literally THE LAST MINUTE to do Dewey's 24 Hour REVERSE readathon.  Why put the REVERSE in capital letters, you ask?  Well, because usually the Dewey is 24 hours starting in the morning on a Saturday.  But today - it starts in the evening TODAY - on Friday!  

So, I'm not going to stress about this like I tend to do during a 24 hour readathon.  I'm just going to read as much as I can, and whatever happens, happens.

I am hoping to finish:

- Good Omens
- The Toll
- Before the Devil Breaks You

If I finish those, I am going to start:
- Cinder
- King of Crows 

If you're doing this wonderful, fun, zany readathon, let me know in the comments what you hope to read during this time. And don't forget to stop over and check out the Dewey's Blog!

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Lair of Dreams - Libba Bray

Title: Lair Of Dreams
Author: Libba Bray 
Format: Paperback
Rating: 4.5 Stars 

The longing of dreams draws the dead, and this city holds many dreams.

After a supernatural showdown with a serial killer, Evie O’Neill has outed herself as a Diviner. With her uncanny ability to read people’s secrets, she’s become a media darling, earning the title “America’s Sweetheart Seer.” Everyone’s in love with the city’s newest It Girl…everyone except the other Diviners.

Piano-playing Henry DuBois and Chinatown resident Ling Chan are two Diviners struggling to keep their powers a secret—for they can walk in dreams. And while Evie is living the high life, victims of a mysterious sleeping sickness are turning up across New York City.

As Henry searches for a lost love and Ling strives to succeed in a world that shuns her, a malevolent force infects their dreams. And at the edges of it all lurks a man in a stovepipe hat who has plans that extend farther than anyone can guess…As the sickness spreads, can the Diviners descend into the dreamworld to save the city?

In this heart-stopping sequel to The Diviners, Printz Award-winning and New York Times bestselling author Libba Bray takes readers deeper into the mystical underbelly of New York City.

Hey reader friends!  Let's talk dreams!  

This book is the second in The Diviners series, and while I liked The Diviners just *slightly* more than Lair of Dreams, I want you to know I did love this whole book through and through.  I rated it 4.5 stars because the beginning was a bit slow, but in my opinion is really picked up and it ended with a bang.  

While I did struggle with Evie through this book, I think that's okay because I feel like she might have a lot in store for her in the last two books of the series.  In this novel, she's basically drinking all the time, blows off her friends, ignores her obvious love interest Jericho and continues to try and pawn him off on someone he's not romantically interested in and ignores her uncle for the entire book. That being said, I do think that she showed some changes in this book. Not good changes, but I think what happened to her had to happen. I think (and I could be wrong) that Evie might have a lot of changes coming for her in the next two books.

I loved watching the development of Ling and Henry's characters, and the development of their friendship. Ling is very....blunt and while she doesn't seem very abrupt, she's abrupt enough that I could see how some people might struggle with her. Henry seems to bring out this side to her that others might not see, though, and I loved that!  I also loved watching what happened to them while dream walking, from Ling being sort of detective like in her discover of who Wei-Mei really was to watching Henry learn what really happened to his love Louis.  

There was so much build up in this book, and some twists that may be only slightly obvious - and I was really surprised by some of the things that happened.  Looking back on a few things, they make sense, but when reading, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat.  The story was well plotted and well developed and once it got started, it was fast paced and there was a lot going on.  The story follows each character and their story so well, and weaves each characters arc into a story that left me needing to finish this story NOW.

Outside of the characters I already mentioned, I also loved seeing the character arcs of Memphis, Theta, and Isaiah. Mabel and some of the other characters were important to the story, but my favorites were those I mentioned above and Memphis, his brother, and Theta.  I liked learning more about Theta and her past, and watching her relationship with Henry change as well.  I loved watching Isaiah grow and learn more about himself and what he can do. He's so young, and still has such a long way to go in his life (assuming nothing happens to him) and I can't wait to see where he does go. Memphis really seems to be in a struggle because he has some stuff going on that he hides, and I love watching him grow with that struggle and the things he hides. I love watching him and Theta develop in their relationship even if they are not sharing much about that relationship with others.  

I think there were a lot of changes for the characters at the end of the Diviners, and that led to many of the characters feeling down, and going through some emotional changes and likely some emotional trauma. And the author delves into all that so well, and is sensitive to where each character is and where they should develop to.

On the last note: Bill, the "darling" gentleman that hangs out on the street, is absolutely going to rip shit open, I can just tell. I don't want to spoil anything if you haven't read this book yet, but holy shit this guy is just causing all sorts of havoc, and I definitely have suspicions about him.  That being said, he is important to the story and moves the story along so, so well.

I am so glad that I finally got to reading this book, and if you have never read it, please please do that. The characters, their development, the changes, the story and plot, the writing - it will all draw you in and create a reading experience you will absolutely enjoy!