Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Bout of Books - Day 1 Wrap!

Hey readers!  Happy Tuesday!  As you hopefully know - this week is Bout of Books 23!  AND TODAY: I has a wrap up post for you! 

So, here's what happened Monday:

I Started This Book: 

And even though this is a middle grade book that is under 200 pages, I did not get it done, because I had to work yesterday afternoon!  Blurgh. 

Anyway, here are my Monday totals:

Books Started: 1
Books Finished: 0
Pages Read: 48
Total Pages Read:

Hit me up and tell me what you're reading this week! 


  1. I LOVE John Bellairs! What a great book to get started on. I hope you find more time to read soon! :)

    1. I had never heard of him until I picked up this book! I really loved it - I will have to hunt down more of his books.

  2. Good luck with Bout of Books. I hope you're having fun.

    Happy readings! ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. Thanks, Tania! I'm having a great time - I love readathons.
