Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Book Blogs/Bookish Websites

Hey reader fam!  Welcome to a round of Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme sponsored by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week the topic is: Favorite Book Blogs/Bookish Websites!

Without further ado: Here are my favorite book spots around the internets.

1. Paper Fury:

Seriously, yo, visit the Paper Fury blog HERE!  Right now.  (Don't worry, I'll be here when you're done getting lost in the rabbit hole of awesomeness that is C.G. Drews' blog.)  C.G's posts are fun, colorful, funny (i mean read this post: https://paperfury.com/amcurrently-july/) and full of booktalk!  So go now!

2. Emmmabooks Youtube Channel:

I just love watching Emma's book haul's and unboxings the most.  She get so excited. 

3. JessetheReader Youtube Channel

Jesse is, without a doubt, my favorite booktuber.  He's an introvert (like, I feel you Jesse.), but he does these great awesome outgoing videos that are fun, funny, and full of awesomeness.

4. Bout of Books!

I love doing readathons.  My favorite has become the Bout of Books weeklong readathon that happens a couple times a year.  (In fact, it's happening August 20 - August 26 again, so you should sign up!)  Also, visit their blog!

5. PolandBananaBooks Youtube Channel

I just think Christina is hiiiiilarious and booking awesome in all her videos.

6. Sailor J

Three words: Drunk Book Reviews.  Do I really need to say more?!