Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Bout of Books - Day 2 Wrap!

Hey readers!  Happy Wednesday!  So, it's the middle of the week, and I have an update for you! 

Here's how Tuesday: Day 2 of Bout of Books, went. 

Books Started: 2
Books Finished: 1!!!!!!!!
Pages Read Tuesday: 160
Total Pages Read: 208

Currently Reading:

Finished Reading: 

Now, get ready folks - because it's time for a CHALLENGE!

The Challenge: Literary Villains.

That's Right: Today, all you lovely people get to hear about my favorite literary villains. 

1.Barty Crouch, Jr.  Sure, he was crazy, and deserved that one way ticket to Azkaban, but something about him just gets me.  (Plus, how good a job did David Tennant do portraying him in the Goblet of Fire movie, amiright?!)

2. The Darkling.  He's completely crazy!  I mean, Alina is right to try and get him.  BUT, I love his darkness.  I just can't help it.


  1. Good luck with your reading goals, I didn't set a 'tbr' list for this week. I am keeping my reading goals low for this week and hope to read 2-3 books this week. I finished reading Turtles All The Way Down by John Green last night and really enjoyed it a lot.

    1. Thanks! I feel like I picked too many books for my readathon TBR, because I know I won't get through them all, but at least I am having fun!
