Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Books By My Favorite Authors That I Still Haven’t Read

Hiii!  Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday!  This weeks topic: Books By My Favorite Authors That I Still Haven’t Read.

 Leigh Bardugo

Marissa Meyer 


  1. I have yet to read a single book by Leigh or Marissa. But I hear they're excellent authors, so of course, I am curious. :)

  2. They are both such amazing authors! I highly recommend all their books :)

  3. I still need to finish books by Leigh Bardugo and Marissa Meyer! I haven't read Renegades or Heartless from Meyer (even though I ADORE the Lunar Chronicles). I also still have to read Crooked Kingdom, to my own dismay. The first book was just so good and I am scared that the second one won't live up to it!

    Tessa @ Crazy for YA

    1. Heartless was great! I have Renegades way down on my list right now. I'll get to it eventually, but I have so many other books I want to finish first!

  4. I loved Six of Crows, Crooked Kingdom was good, but not as good as SoC. I still need to read Siege and Storm and Ruin and Rising though.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/09/25/top-ten-tuesday-178/

    1. I love Leigh's writing - and the covers are so pretty! I think I'll enjoy Crooked Kingdom even if it's not as good as SoC. (I've noticed a lot of second books fall into the good, but not as good as the first category!)
