Monday, October 29, 2018

In Defense of Libraries!

Y'all, libraries have been getting a lot of hate lately - and I just don't get it! 

Libraries are full of books!  Not just books - FREE BOOKS! 

Now, listen here - I know that when you check out books from the library, you get to read the book for free.  That means the author doesn't get royalties for every person who reads it.  But, let's think about some stuff here:

1. Libraries do pay money to buy books, which means that for every library that buys even just one copy of a book, the author gets royalties for all those books.  So, if 100 libraries buy each buy even just ONE copy of, say, Grim Lovelies, then the author gets royalties from 100 books.

2. Not everyone has the money to buy every book they want to read.  I have a reading list a mile long.  I love books so much. BUT, I work in human services as my day job.  That means I don't have a ton of expendable income.  I can afford to buy some of the books I want to read.  But not all of them.  There are people who make less money than me, and may not be able to buy any books at all.  So, there only option may be to get books from the library.  If you love books, and you get them from the library that should be seen as a good thing, because it means you are reading.  To say that people should only read if they buy the book is incredibly classist and elitist.  If you believe that, then you are saying if poor people can't buy books, they shouldn't be able to read.  That's wrong.  Everyone deserves access to books, even if that means they are getting them for free from their local library.

Libraries also have magazines, movies, games for kids to play, story time for young children, and computers that people can use.  If you have kids, take them to the library to have people read to them - it can increase their love of books!  Go sit at a computer and write your own book.  Do a puzzle.  HAVE FUN!

Librarians are also pretty cool - they have a lot of knowledge about books, and can probably give you a good recommendation based on other things you've read. 

So, really, libraries are pretty awesome.  Get to one and check some stuff out.

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