Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday - Settings I’d Like to See More Of (Or At All)

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday - a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This weeks topic is Settings I'd Like to See More Of (Or at All).

This is a tough one for me, because I feel like I am pretty content with the settings of the books I am reading.

If I really had to pick some settings I'd like to see more of: Here is what I'd want -

1. Australia.  Seriously, give me more Australia.

2. Scotland.  Those green hills, the sheep, the kilts!  YES!

3. Ireland.  Because of it being Ireland.

4. Ketterdam.  Come on, Leigh Bardugo, you can give us more, right?!

5. Hogwarts when the founders first started the school.  I am not really super into HP any more, but I would be interested to see what Hogwarts was like when it was first founded.


Ok, friends - what would you want to see more of as far as settings!  Talk to me in the comments.


  1. I'd like to know what Hogwarts was like when it was first founded, too.

    My TTT.

  2. Australia and Scotland are both on my list today! Scotland is an old love and Australia is a new one, but they're both such fascinating locales. I'd also love to read more about Hogwarts. I hope J.K. is listening :)

    Happy TTT!

  3. I will forever want more books set in Scotland and Ireland! I so agree about wanting to know more about the Founders of Hogwarts, too, but I'm also sort of scared of asking for another book surrounding HP at this point. XD

    Here's my TTT post.

    1. Rowling has changed so much with fantastic beasts that I am nervous about anything else that would happen too, but at the same time, there is part of me that is just dying to see what she would do with the founding.

  4. I'm not sure about the other setting, but seeing one in Hogwarts would be great.

  5. I'm always rallying for more Scotland setting books but I'm biased, though I have noticed I've somehow been on an Australia kick without even trying, and I've loved it so much lol

    1. I get it - I think I've only read 1 book with a setting in Australia, and I need more!
