Thursday, April 4, 2019

My Big Ass TBR Pile

My current TBR pile is so big I am not even going to say it's a one month pile like I have in the past.  It's going to take me at least two months to get through this pile - so let's just roll with that!

Here's what is currently on my list:

1. Renegades - Marissa Meyer
2. Archenemies - Marissa Meyer


3. The Golden Compass - Philip Pullman 
4. The Subtle Knife - Philip Pullman 
5. The Amber Spyglass - Philip Pullman 

6. Six Of Crows - Leigh Bardugo 
7. Crooked Kingdom - Leigh Bardugo 

8. Siege and Storm - Leigh Bardugo
9 - Ruin and Rising - Leigh Bardugo

10. Everless - Sara Holland
11. Evermore - Sara Holland 

12. The Lantern's Ember - Colleen Houck
13. The Life We Bury - Allen Eskens
14. Mortal Engines - Philip Reeve

15. The Rule of One - Ashley and Lauren Saunders
16. The Guest Book - Sarah Blake
17. My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding 

18. Scythe - Neal Shusterman
19. The Water Cure - Sophie Mackintosh
20. Nimona - Noelle Stevenson

21. Truthwitch - Susan Dennard
22. Windwitch - Susan Dennard

23. Ace of Shades - Amanda Foody (I forgot to take a pic of my own - y'all know what it looks like, right?!)

 Ok, reader friends - your turn.  Drop your TBR lists or a link to your TBR posts in the comments below!  I look forward to seeing what you all are reading.


  1. ooh this is a good selection of books to have to read though!! i have a few of thesetoo :)

    1. Thanks! I notice every time I add some books to my TBR, I always get even more suggestion just from those books and my list just keeps growing. Ah, bookish problems, eh?!

  2. ooo I can't wait to see what you thought of Phillip Pullman's books! My TBR is ridiculous, at the moment I have 8 books lined up and they are just the ones I've made a conscious decision to read! I have hundreds more on my Kindle I've yet to get to!

    1. I know the feeling - I have a lot of books on my Kindle I want to get to as well that aren't even included in my TBR's.

  3. Ooh I've read Six of Crows, and I've been wanting to read Crooked Kingdom, Renegades, and Everless. :) Great post!

    1. I am halfway through Renegades - and I just can't stop! It is SO GOOD!
