Monday, January 20, 2020

Baba Yaga - Jane Yolen

Title: Finding Baba Yaga 
Author: Jane Yolen
Format: Paperback 
Rating: 4 Stars 

A young woman discovers the power to speak up and take control of her fate—a theme that has never been more timely than it is now…

You think you know this story.
You do not.

A harsh, controlling father. A quiescent mother. A house that feels like anything but a home. Natasha gathers the strength to leave, and comes upon a little house in the wood: A house that walks about on chicken feet and is inhabited by a fairy tale witch. In finding Baba Yaga, Natasha finds her voice, her power, herself...

Finding Baba Yaga was intriguing to say the least.  While I wouldn't say this is a book that I would read again, I did enjoy the story. 

I feel like this was a good retelling of the Baba Yaga myth.  The way the author works in Natasha's life and desire to flee that life into the Baba Yaga story is wonderful.  I like the fantasy mixed in with the reality of what can sometimes be a harsh life.

This was a very short novella (just over 100 pages), but even in the short span, the author develops the characters well, and for me the story was enough that I had to finish reading because I had to find out what happened. 

The story has enough intrigue and tension between Natasha and the other girl who lives with Baba, as well as between baba and these girls.  There is anger, forgiveness, and I would say even love between these characters.

Overall, like I mentioned, I enjoyed the book a lot. It is a YA book, but I think it's a book even adults will enjoy. 

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