Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Bout of Books 27 - Tuesday Wrap Up

Happy Wednesday Reader Friends!  Welcome to day 3 of Bout of Books

Let's jump right into my wrap up:

Books Started: 3
Books Finished: 0 (But I am close to finishing one today!)
Pages Read Tuesday: 37
Total Pages Read: 77

Books I'm Currently Reading: 


And now, friends, it's time for another challenge.  Today's Challenge:  Bookish Matchmaking.

We get to sit here and say what kind of book we're looking for, and get recommendations from other people doing Bout of Books.  FUN, RIGHT?  I think so, too!

I'm totally looking for books right now that are:

*Adult Romance (with or without the sex)
*Adult Fantasy and Sci-Fi

(I'm like 50-60% open to YA books in the same categories, but I've kind of been in the mood to switch it up more and read some more adult books.)

So, friends, if you're doing bout of books, talk to me and tell me how it's going!  What have you been reading this week? What are you hoping to read?

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